
What it is

KYBELLA is an FDA-approved injectable that’s used to dissolve fat cells within the submental tissue. This tissue – which is located underneath the chin and around the jawline – can contribute to the appearance of a double chin, even in individuals who follow healthy diet and exercise regimens. Kybella primarily uses deoxycholic acid to target fat cells while leaving surrounding tissue healthy.

Ageless Beauty is pleased to offer KYBELLA injections to individuals who want to treat the appearance of a double chin for a more defined jawline.

How It Works

Deoxycholic acid – the active ingredient in KYBELLA – is known for burning away fat cells without harming surrounding healthy cells. When injected underneath the chin, deoxycholic acid targets and shrinks fat cells; over time, these damaged cells are removed by the body’s metabolic processes. At the moment, the FDA has only approved KYBELLA to be used to treat the appearance of a double chin, although it has been successfully used to treat armpit fat.

Most patients only need 1-2 Kybella injections, although the final number will be determined by your Ageless Beauty expert. The cumulative results from a KYBELLA treatment usually take about 8 to 12 weeks to appear. Once removed, these fat cells don’t return; that means patients who continue to follow a healthy lifestyle can continue to enjoy a more defined jawline.


KYBELLA injections aren’t painful, but patients who don’t like needles may find them uncomfortable. For that reason, your Ageless Beauty technician can treat the area with a numbing cream before injecting Kybella. Some patients may experience minor burning or irritation at the injection site. You may also notice a mild but persistent burning sensation underneath the chin. These side effects are normal and usually disappear within the first two weeks after treatment.

There’s no downtime associated with KYBELLA, so you won’t need to take time off from work or your busy personal schedule. There may be some swelling after KYBELLA, so if you work, you may want to receive treatment before the weekend so that the swelling can dissipate by Monday.

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Take the First Step

Ready to learn more? Schedule your KYBELLA consultation at Ageless Beauty Center serving Okemos & East Lansing, MI

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