Skin Classic

What It Is

Skin Classic is an innovative non-surgical procedure that uses high-frequency technology to gently but effectively remove minor complexion issues. Some patients can see a reduction in a variety of skin irregularities in just a single Skin Classic treatment, other patients require more treatments. These skin irregularities include:

Because the Skin Classic treatment only targets the epidermis (the topmost skin layer), patients are able to see results with as little as one treatment, without excessive recovery time.

Is the treatment safe?

Most skin growths are non-cancerous and can be treated safely and without downtime. Treatments are performed by a certified technician who has been trained to know the different types skin growths. Treatments are performed with the strictest sanitary and safey procedures.


Your Ageless Beauty technician will use a small handheld probe to quickly touch the desired treatment spots; as soon as contact is made, the skin is vaporized and creates a scab-like crust. This crust usually falls off within the span of 7 to 14 plus days, depending on the treated area, leaving behind more even skin texture and clarity. The entire treatment is simple and effective.


There is some minor discomfort associated with the Skin Classic treatment; on a scale of 1-10, most patients put the treatment at a 3-5 depending on the area treated and irregularity.


You can return to your normal routine directly after your Skin Classic treatment; however, the scabs that form during your procedure will fall off on average of 3 to 7 days later. Depending on the irregularity and area treated, some patients prefer to cover their scabs with makeup or take some time out from social commitments until the crusts fall off.


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Take the First Step

Ready to learn more? Schedule your Skin Classic consultation at Ageless Beauty Center serving Okemos & East Lansing MI

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